
El Questro is about one million acres in size, and was developed in 1991 to provide a truly Australian holiday destination. The Kimberley region in far North Western Australia is one of the world’s last unspoilt frontiers. It is an ancient land extending from Broome in the South West to Kununurra and Wyndham near the Northern Territory border. The experiences are unforgettable: rugged ranges, broad tidal flats, rainforest pockets, gorges and waterfalls. The Kimberley is special. It is not rare to feel the sense of discovery that you are the first to arrive. El Questro is one the eastern perimeter of the Kimberley and runs for approximately eighty kilometres into the heart of the region, most of which has never been explored and certainly never settled.

Animal, bird and fish life congregate on the rivers and waterholes, of which El Questro boasts four major river systems – fresh water springs to the lazy salt water estuaries in the northern part of the property.

Things to See and Do

Newly formed roads and trails have opened El Questro into a Wilderness Park for travellers in search of the Kimberley region’s outstanding natural features. Explore on your own or accompanied by one of El Questro’s informative rangers.

As much or as little El Questro has activities for the Ecotourist, Agritourist and Sportsman alike; whether its photographing butterflies or trekking through gorge treks, the choice is yours. No matter which accommodation facility you have chosen to stay at, your hosts can help you plan your personal itinerary upon your arrival to get the most out of your stay.

Boating the Chamberlain Gorge is a must, a 3km fresh waterhole bound by tropical vegetation belittled by towering 200 ft escarpments. The Gorge can only be travelled by boat, and guests are rewarded by excellent examples of Wandjina rock art at the far end.

There are too many other gorges to name individually, all distinct in character and degree of difficulty. They change dramatically with the seasons, so make inquiries upon arrival.

Zebedee Springs is a short walk off the graded road through dense Livistonia Palms to a series of thermal pools, a fabulous place to soak and relax.

El Questro maintains a herd of approximately 5,000 head crossbred Brahman and Shorthorn cattle, which are a delight to spy from ridge tops grazing on the saltpans and pindan country.

Horse treks are a fabulous way to sneak up on all types of Kimberley wildlife. A ride accompanied by an El Questro ranger will be an experience indeed, many of whom will recount tales of the outback from days gone by. Brumbies, wild donkeys, bustards, frilly lizards, goannas, sea eagles, brolgas, jabirus and <technicoloured parrots to name but a few, abound the Kimberley region. A day spent with a ranger will introduce you to a number of these and a wide variety of other animals, birds and of course, even the chance of sighting a salt water crocodile – man’s least best friend in the North!

The advent of small affordable helicopters has opened the Kimberley up. A half hour scenic flight through canyons and gorges, past waterfalls, caves and galloping brumbies offers unrivalled sights denied to earthbound mortals.

Travelling by helicopter in search of elusive barramundi, is visually enthralling enough in itself, before we tell you about the quantity and size of fish that inhabit these pristine waters, many of which have never been fished before. Barramundi season runs from March through December, although other fish including mangrove jack, bream, threadfin salmon and catfish bite all year. El Questro is fast becoming one of the most sought after destinations for sport fishermen.